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I have 299 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 163153 times and 17 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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valiswaverider's picture
Rob Wheeldon

His photo is ,over ten years old its my portait of Dorain Gray you youthful good looking bugger. Never judge a book by its cover

My stories

William Rees-Moggs Message at Easter

The meek Will inherit a small fortune from their father who also never did a hard days work in his life

The Christ

The working-class intellectual represents their greatest fear, one who understands their ways and their devotion to the contrition of the masses What...

Will you say a little Prayer for me

A little prayer because you believe In a God is merciful and kind But I don’t believe in anything in that kind I don’t believe in a God He doesn’t...

Inside the steel cage

The door clanked shut . The keys rattled against the heavy steel as the door locked . I felt trapped in a room with a rattle snake even though the...

The empty chairs

Three chairs sit empty on Christmas Day In decades past my nearest family Sat their in the front room Munching on spouts and pulling crackers They to...
