Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem of the Month for May have very kindly been chosen by Simon Barget. Here's what he picked:
Story was easy with Sean McNulty’s Phantosmia head and shoulders above the rest -- there’s a pun in there somewhere. 
The lack of stiff competition lends an honorary mention to one more of his Moloney/Elder flights/forays: The Eerie Nerve.
Other honourable mentions are Alabaster Conjugal by Mark Burrow, happy to do its own thing;
and I also liked reading Jeand’s experiences with cancer and hospital visits, particularly Janus 13:
Poem was closer to call but I really liked Jane Hyphen’s If I can get through this day - authentic and accessible. It moved me.
Close second is Old P by Kilb50, loose, long and rambling
and Bonnie Prince Charlie in London 1750 by Angusfolklore, seemingly accurate and to the point