
The Windup Poem

critical of style

Resplendant September Bride

Posing on the marble bench beneath the spreading oaks


Before I told you...


The connection of ignorance and gossip

Grundelle Manor

The Terror of Grundelle Manor Manfred strode calmly towards the great oak door of Grundelle manor. The dark sky stretched beyond his sight, as the...

I carry my brain in a bowl, yes sir !

I carry my brain in a bowl. In a large glass bowl that is circular, but has a large flat base and an open top. I do not like to boast, but it gives...

A Kiss

And that night she had the softest skin. I gave a kiss on one cheek and then turned my neck to the other, catching the scent of her wonderful hair...

Jesus Christ and the Washing machine

The cold hard suffering of the soul


Everyday I wait. I wait for the next day to come, for the next sunrise to give me the warmth I desire, that I crave. I wait in silence. Everyday I...

Every body hurts!

The boy in the Bushes.

Love is but a big fat worm.

I do not know where to look. Everywhere I turn my stubborn and stiff neck all I can feel is the dulling of my senses as it burrows deep inside my...

You thought wrong

Two words for everybody who assumes


Sit up and take notice mmrsmit...

Little Fishy

Little Fishy... You once swam Freely through the sea Now I've eaten you For tea Will you swim Through me?


The Journey Little girl on the bus with a book in her hand reading aloud mother so proud beside her. Tells a tale about life about angst and of...

Woman of The Sad Tale

The woman of the sad tale I am fast becoming known as the woman of the sad tale the one with the catch in her voice the tear in her eye the pain in...


REVERSE I could In a mirror reverse Right a Wrong perhaps? Tit for Tat don't work in this here town. The language, so familiar yet strange A million...


Can you resist&;#063;
