Horse lattitudes

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Horse lattitudes

Now that the site is working properly again, you wouldn't believe how many people are uploading items and registering. It makes me shudder to think how many prospective talers we might have turned off while getting the site fixed.

Now, as I was updating the front page number of stories on site to a magnificent 22,112 I was remanded of a silly little ditty we used to say in the schoolyard:

Wun-wun was a racehorse
Tutu was one too
Wun-wun won one race

Deary me - think I better take up knitting.

Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
My Mum used to ask me to spell hungry horse in four letters. The answer: MTGG. Oh dear.
Anonymous's picture
was it a schoolyard? or was it the headquarters of some weird arthur askey cult? ..sheesh..the ditties in our school exercise yard ( it was an approved school ) were slightly more your account it was a very camp schoolyard...ha ha. xxx
Anonymous's picture
DISGRACEFUL!!! Oi Big man, you'd better stop all this or I'll have to sort you out.
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