script formatting
Fri, 2002-11-29 12:02
script formatting
There's a download available on the BBC's writersroom website which gives you toolbars for industry standard formats for scripts, comedy, radio, sitcoms etc. Really easy to use and helps you write quicker too! Its at and its called 'Scriptsmart'.
you should probably buy a book on how to write a film script. There are many good ones about and you definetly need one of these if you are series about writing film scripts.
Also read film scripts, you can get loads from:
I am part of a small group of amateur filmakers (that sounds a lot more professional than it is) and have written several scripts. It's just as fun as writing stories but you have to let people you know read them.
Now I know.
Gosh I just finished my audiobook and did the scripts using the long way round.
I shall have to look at the site you mentioned. It is certainly worth knowing.
Still wished I'd know earlier. It might have saved me a lot of time and bother.
Thanks again
I would like to write a story and turn it into a film... i actually already have a story that i need to writ into a filmable script, if there is anything like that... i definitely think there is... but i dont really know what it takes... if someone out there cold help me....