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Hi. Are there any Nawg members at ABC if so whats your opinion of the group.

Anonymous's picture
Oooh, shades of Groucho, Gabby! No-one said (as far as I can recall) that you're not a writer if you don't belong to a group...writers rarely do, solitary souls that they usually are. Here's a thought! If you don't want to join a group, why don't you start one? That way, you can call all the shots...must be some wrioters in Lewisham, after all.
Anonymous's picture
Okay.. the typical opinions are arising... this is tea-cups at dawn.. Whoa!!! make that after dinner when the old joints are moving. Most of you are operating a group now - mutual support etc. If you don't want to share a rinse form your own there must be others in your area who need help with workshopping.
Anonymous's picture
Erm...I already belong to one (other than ABC), Fred... And talking of old joints...
soft lad
Anonymous's picture
do you need a light, Andrea?
Anonymous's picture
Don't be so soft, Lad. I was, of course, referring to me poor ol' knees.
Anonymous's picture
Poodle is a DAWG member.
Anonymous's picture
What is Nawg? Is it 'naturally all want gabrielle?' or 'national association (for) worshipping gabrielle?' or 'New alliance (for) welcoming gabrielle?'
Anonymous's picture
How about this amazing group, Gabrielle? NAWSC National association (to) worship Si's coolnesss
Anonymous's picture
Okay guys.....It's the National Association of Writers Groups. I just wondered if anyone would recognise it. There must be some writers here somewhere...
Anonymous's picture
I am blissfully ignorant of that group :)
Anonymous's picture
hey fred i have no personal experience of NAWG i'm sorry to say ...
Anonymous's picture
Aye'll 'ave you know, Freddie Boy, that eye am a writer, but I ain't never 'eard of NAWG neever...
writer's groupie
Anonymous's picture
Fred nearly got it right. Basically we meet every two weeks and decide which lunchtime reading to hit on the following Thursday. (pension payouts). Wednesday at the 'dressers for blue rinse top up. Then .... up and 'at 'em girls! Those nice young men don't know what's come over them.
Anonymous's picture
There are no f****** writers groups in south east s****** London - so theres not much point of a national organisation and anyway what makes it natiuonal if it doesn't include Lewisham? And who says youre not a wrioter if youre not a member of a group? I like being lonely bad tempered and islolated. I wouldn't join a group that was prepared to have me as a member anyway. What does Fred stand for anyway? Ideas on a postcard.....
old dears postcard
Anonymous's picture
I'm a wrioter. ask the police.
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