Don't want to be a pain....BUT

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Don't want to be a pain....BUT

Hiya Mark...thanks for yer e-mail re The Lazy Ant, and am truly honoured re tape recording on JT's site.

However, here is my question.......who gave permission for my work, of which I own the copyright to be posted?

Surely I should have been consulted, as the owner of the story etc? Have asked JT.....he says ask ABC...THEY OWN IT. Hmm, I don't think so!

Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Dear AJ, ABC do not own your copyright and never have. You did give permission originally - and we have the signed document - for your story to be used in broadcasts for the purpose of promoting ABCtales. This has occurred and the posting on thymeworks is merely an extension of that. After a question by Robert about the time that had passed between the original contract and the posting of these stories on thymeworks we took the decision to email each and every author individually to inform them of the position. A week later you have chosen to answer publicly which is your right. Do you now wish for your story to be removed? In which case it will be done immediately. I should point out that ABC is not receiving payment for this broadcast. It was kindly offered by Justyn Thyme as a way of promoting ABCtales - and, I would have thought, the work of the authors concerned but if you feel otherwise then we shall remove your work. Yours, Tony
Anonymous's picture
Hey I said I am truly honoured. But when I asked JT....he says that ABC owned it. Just needed the clarification.........and why couldn't ABC put the recordings on this site? Like I said SORRY to be a pain...........:(
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