Housing Shortage

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Housing Shortage

This is not a new problem and it never really goes away.

You hear endless talk about it but, at the end of the day, over-population is at the root of it.  Forget immigration, the birth rate here is already far too high and that is causing lack of space and lack of affordable housing.



Is it not true that we as a nation are aging enmasse and as such need a higher birth rate to help fill jobs which evolve around helping oaps. Oh and lets open the doors wider for skillied immegrants and assylum seekers. Hopeful

Stephen d

I think the lowest rate of house building since the war plays a part, especially as it coincides with one of the highest rates of population growth during that period.


Have to agree with Thornwood, we need a high birthrate to balance out the ageing population. 

Highbirthrate #blushes#, anyone looking for online published poet to make some poetry to help future oaps. Contact soon....

Stephen d

It would help if the government would take the bull by the horns and start capping rents so ordinary people can live without hardship.
I suppose its time they built some more houses, but we must not lose all the greenbelt and countryside.
Perhaps it would have helped if the United Nations was able to do some real peacekeeping and prevent these wars in Syria or Eritrea etc from getting out of hand. Then there wouldn't need to be so many unfortunate migrants.