Diky, Thank you, Gracia ...

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Diky, Thank you, Gracia ...

I know that my book would never be as sharp as it is without the care my soulmates at ABCTales put into making suggestions ...

As Mr. Doctorow states, “…the author’s awareness of loneliness is the literary dignity he grants his characters in spite of their circumstances…”

Long-Awaited Story of COLD RIVER Transforms into Hot-eBook

True story. Written by Jozef iMRICH – whose debut collection of short stories, WHO SURVIVED?, received critical acclaim at both the North America and Central Europe – COLD RIVER seeks to revisit a world symbol of evil as a man driven by very real desire for freedom and, in so doing, to broaden our sense of what it is to be human.

COLD RIVER - A Survivor’s Story: A MEMOIR

By Jozef iMRICH with countless soulmates
Publication Date: July 7, 2002
Double Dragon Publishing eBook
Price: $ 4.99 (eBook)
Price: $ to be advised (tradepaperback)
Available in:
Adobe Acrobat, eBook Reader, Gemstar eBook, Microsoft Reader, Palm Reader.
ISBN: 1-894841-06-9

Shocking, suspenseful, and strangely touching, COLD RIVER is no conventional escape story.

When words fail river speaks. River is patient, and will wait for us to return to it year after year,
decade after decade, until a whisper is heard.

James Bond once said, ‘You only live twice.’ Once when you are born and again when you face death. He may well have been referring Jozef's life on 16 May 1958 and 7 July 1980.

This is a true story of three young Czechoslovak men - Jozef, Ondrej and Milan - and their quest to be free of the system that oppresses them. To gain freedom, Jozef, Milan and Ondrej set into motion a plan to escape across the Iron Curtain to Austria.

Few would dare dream about crossing such a border, unless, of course, you have inside knowledge and contacts. Milan has both. They will have only one chance to disarm the army guards at the gate and drive through an army barracks without alarming others. Their set day is sunny. Not one of them, even for a moment, thinks it might rain. But it does and the swollen river makes it impossible for them to cross, yet it is impossible to go back ...

LAUREN IMRICH ON 61-404299776.
ALTERNATIVELY EMAIL US AT chezimrich@hotmail.com

Ask me about rebel dragons. Read my eBook.

For Additional Information, Please Contact:

Jozef Imrich
Kold River
61 7 38565437

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."
-Edgar Allan Poe