Wolds Words

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Wolds Words

I have just come back from two workshops which were part of the Wolds Words annual festival arranged by East Lindsey District Council.  I have been attending these workshops every year for about the last five years. It was actually Joel Stickley, the Lincolnshire Poet Laureate who ran one of the workshops I attended who was responsible for directing me to this wonderful site. The reason I am writing all this is that my first workshop was given by Dan Powell , a successful short story writer who was shortlisted for the 2013 Scot Prize.  The fee for attending was just £6.00 for a three hour workshop.  The second workshop was a twenty minute  one to one with Sam Hawksmoor, another award winning author.for which the fee was £10.00.  What I find astounding is that there was only myself and one other person that took advantage of the second great opportunity.  However, it meant I had longer than my twenty minutes as it ended up being about forty-five minutes.  So, I am posting this because it may be that some  writers on this site might want to consider attending a workshop next year if there is one that is of interest to them.  Certainly if  next year's prices are roughly the same then it might be  worth considering as the festival is open to all.   That's it folks!


Nice one Moya!  One to watch out for in the future.


Sounds bargainous and a real inspiration, Moya.