Lower case i

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Lower case i

I don't know if anyone else agrees with me or not, but there's one thing that borders on irritable when it comes to reading. It's when writers use a lower case i for the first person singular.

Am I just being pedantic?

Anonymous's picture
for speed, l dont use the shift key, l use the letter L in lower case to make an I Liana, who is becoming so anally retentive its scary......
Anonymous's picture
i think there are things plenty more irritating
Anonymous's picture
i love the lower case i ...
Anonymous's picture
that little dot's so cute!
Anonymous's picture
awwwww isn't it .....
Anonymous's picture
like a little elf in a hat
Anonymous's picture
Sorry, folks (except Karl), aye find it irritating too...seriously.
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
I agree with Karl and Andrea. :-]
e e cummings
Anonymous's picture
i don t
e e commerce
Anonymous's picture
neither do Ii
Anonymous's picture
but Is It delIberate wIggy or just a tIpo? i thInk It IrratIonal to get IrrItated by such an under Inflated lIttle thIng. mandy, clearly, Is In need of therapi. i am off for some colnIc IrrIgatIon now. pIp pIp
e b coming roun...
Anonymous's picture
to shift key or not to shift key that is the question amnowconsideringeliminatinguseofthespacebar
Anonymous's picture
I don't understand what is irrititating about using lower case for I (i). First I recommend you don't read any of e.e.cummings poetry - next I recommend you avoid my book (Language of Souls) too. i works for me just fine in poetry. David Taub - www.ukpoet.cjb.net
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