here's to

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here's to

I have been using abc since january this year and would just like to thank the people who set it up, i have been around a lot of other writers web sites and have not seen anything quite like this one, and cheers to all you guys and gals on the threads..
a lot of raw talent hangs about here you know.
(be sending my friends of abc postal order shortly):)

Anonymous's picture
I would recommend the site to anyone wishing to write. Since I first started posting here just over a month ago, I have written more stuff than since I started putting word to paper some years ago. I needed to write I just didnt know it till then :)
Anonymous's picture
I just have to add that I think this really is a great site too, I think the quality of my writing has gone up just from reading all the wonderful work here and having something to strive for! There are some really excellent writers on this site. :)
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
I agree. It's a super site and has a growing comunity that can only expand. Well done ABCtales. You've got my loyalty.
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