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Should you ever have the urge due to excess whimsy, try translating some of your poetry via

Then translate it back to English....hahahahaha! xx

Graaah, I've been pwn'd!


Ah well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em I say...(alas, it loses something in translation) De Aussie's juist lijkt te hebben. Alsmede wisselen dag en nacht, Ze veranderen de bloedige seizoenen ook, en in de winter grijs zomer blauwe. Esky's op het strand, december Surfen Burleigh Head, november. Neergehaalde Tinnies op eerste kerstdag, 'Fair Dinkum, stuurman,' een Oz zou zeggen terwijl de jacht op krokodillen in billabongs en het draaien van Macs met barbie tang. Slurpen plonk op Ningaloo Reef fit als een kudde Mallee rundvlees Bruce 'n' Sheila raakte de kuif, gevolgd door een corroboree fest. Boomers, wallabies en buidelrat walkabout de lellen bloeien. Moe van hagel, regen, sneeuw en donder? Waarom niet naar beneden emigreren onder!
Just had a go with a famous poem Lena, It's been through Albanian, Bulgarian, Norwegian, Portugese and finally chinese (traditional). Hasn't come out that bad actually. Reproductive season fog and soft Bosom friend, the gift of maturity; Conspiring with him how to load and bless The plan came round the fruit stalk Eves; Apple moss'd my home And fill in all the core and mature fruit; Planting pumpkin, hazelnut shell circle Sweet kernel, to set budding more, And more flowers, bees, after Until they think warm days will never; Summer o brimm'd their bad cells. II Who does not often see you in the middle of the store? Sometimes, we hope to find foreign You are free to sit on the floor of the barn, Your hair soft, clean air; Or semi-reap'd channel sound asleep, Drows'd tobacco cultivation of opium poppy, while the hook Under the track and save all of its flowers intertwined: Sometimes prefer to keep as a compiler Stable charge head on the river; By patients or cider Oozings you see the last few hours. C Where songs of spring? Yes, where are they? I do not think they have a lot of music - The cloud took to stop soft-dying day And the plains and the rosy bearded; So, sad to provide small choir One Willow Creek, cover flight Or the sinking of the breeze of life or death; Adult Lamb damn strong hill Byrne; Hedge crickets sing, and now cap Red breast whistles from a garden, Croft; Twitter and the swallows gathering in the sky. I think my favourite bit is by 'patients and cider oozings'. As Rolf would say, can you guess what it is yet?


It sounds, however, much more romantic in French...*sigh* L'Aussie est semble-il droit. En plus de permutation jour et nuit, ils changent les saisons trop sanglante, et l'hiver devient gris bleu d'été. Esky sur la plage, Décembre Chef Burleigh Surf, Novembre. Tinnies abattus le jour de Noël, «mate dinkum Fair,« une Oz dirais crocs de chasse tout en billabongs et en tournant macs avec des pinces barbie. Plonk Slurping sur le récif de Ningaloo porte comme un troupeau de boeuf Mallee Sheila 'n' Bruce a frappé la crête, suivi d'un fest corroboree. Les baby-boomers, des wallabies et des opossums bain de foule de la fleur d'acacia. Fatigué de la grêle, la pluie, la neige et le tonnerre? Pourquoi ne pas émigrer en Australie!
This is one of my poems in Polish, hope I have it right:- Maiden Wojny shimmering popizez korytarzy, frigidly dowielklego dworu, W rece trzyma miecz, jego romb hilt zabrudzone, Z rubies. Zawiesic sie stalaktyty, z wielka kolumn, Podstawa podobny zamrozone olbrzymia ostony, Ten wzrost na nocnym niebie.


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