Fun With Guns!

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Fun With Guns!

I am so enjoying Killzone on the PS2! There's no better stress-reliever than pumping wave after wave of Helghast (being the Nazi-alike enemy in this slice of interactive entertainment) full of bloody holes. And yet I find myself frequently consulting my moral barometer over whether I should derive such pleasure from this particular type of electronic gamery. I tell myself that playing such games makes me a better person. That if I am blowing people away on a TV screen, then I am not doing it in real life - my natural, dark instincts to cause pain, death and mayhem are assuaged in this safe, virtual environment, reducing the chance of them seeing the light of real life. But am I kidding myself? Am I actually sending out bad vibes into the world and creating violent tendencies within myself that weren't there previously, and just making excuses because I enjoy it so much?


*** pepsoid ***