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I have 78 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 57946 times and 57 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Paul Bell

My name is Paul Bell and being recently retired I have taken up creative writing in order to keep the little grey cells functioning as long as possible.

My stories


The Oldest Lie

Caveat emptor they said of war Beware the official lie That at their behest We surrender our best For it is sweet and proper to die Caveat emptor...
Gold cherry

Remembrance of Things Past

It comes as no surprise to anyone, with first hand experience that is, that 1950s National Health orange juice sticks in the mind; it stuck to...

Silas Bream (Part 2a)

Five miles away on an industrial estate in Ossett on the outskirts of Wakefield the day's business was long since over; honest endeavour at rest for...

Silas Bream 3

Hazel Braithwaite switched off the alarm inside the front door as she always did at seven thirty every working day morning. Routine was the...
Gold cherry

Silas Bream (Part 2)

The Makepiece family had occupied a handsome double fronted residence overlooking the town for over a hundred years. A successful mill owner's...
