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I have 78 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 57962 times and 57 of my stories have been cherry picked.
3 of my 58 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

Schubert's picture
Paul Bell

My name is Paul Bell and being recently retired I have taken up creative writing in order to keep the little grey cells functioning as long as possible.

My stories

Gold cherry

My Special Sausages (Talking Head)

Jack is a ruddy complexioned fifty year old butcher, standing at the workbench in his shop, dressed in whites with a blue striped apron and boning a...

Think I'd Better Start Again (Talking Head)

God sitting in his control room with a bank of CCTV screens in front of him. Long white beard and a pained expression, spills his tea, curses, and...

What's It Got To Do With Him?

Oh! please no. It’s still October for god’s sake. It’s a criminal offence. I’m still avoiding conkers on the pavement outside the school. My dahlias...

Winter Journey

The winter of 1827 in Vienna was savage and relentless. Life in his tiny attic apartment had become almost unbearable as the cold gripped Viennese...

The Bag Muck Evictions

When we emerged onto the smoke shrouded platform at Doncaster railway Station, we were astounded to see another hundred or so bobbies milling around...
