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I have 78 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 57970 times and 57 of my stories have been cherry picked.
3 of my 58 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

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Paul Bell

My name is Paul Bell and being recently retired I have taken up creative writing in order to keep the little grey cells functioning as long as possible.

My stories

The Decline and Fall of Silas Bream

A cobalt blue sky appeared as they emerged through the cloud layer into limitless crystal clear visibility. Silas had booked a window seat and sat...

The Inheritance

'You're not wearing that old jacket George, so get back up those stairs and put your best suit on; and while you're at it, change that tie as well...

The Black Castle

I still remember how cold it was that day when mum and I went to Armley to visit dad. I was seven and we went on the bus and the heaters weren't...

The Note Book (Part 4)

Robert Malcolm Smith always called in at the Bridge Tavern for a quick one on his way home from work and today the quick one was waiting for him at...

Nothing to Declare

The Tiger Tours executive coach, part of the Bradford based Kashani Group of Companies, was third in line at the queue for customs inspection at...
