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I have 78 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 57948 times and 57 of my stories have been cherry picked.
3 of my 58 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

Schubert's picture
Paul Bell

My name is Paul Bell and being recently retired I have taken up creative writing in order to keep the little grey cells functioning as long as possible.

My stories


The Note Book (Part3)

Pete Docherty switched on the gas ring and left it running on full in an attempt to get some heat into the caravan. He'd woken up feeling like death...

Gladsheim (Part 3)

Margaret Bradshaw had spent the afternoon walking in the extensive grounds and talking at length on her mobile phone. Covert cameras had tracked her...

A Box of Adverbs

I posted a box of adverbs to the championship event Wrapped in hopeful paper and addressed to a certain gent A man who's use of adverbs is long, long...

Gladsheim (Part 2)

By ten o'clock, the eager guests had arrived in the spacious Loki Room and were busy vying for ownership of one of the twenty four brightly coloured...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

Gladsheim (Part1)

The warning notices on the huge black wrought iron gates were in stark contrast to the elegant, sweeping driveway that lay beyond. Matthew Evans put...
