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I have 78 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 57977 times and 57 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Schubert's picture
Paul Bell

My name is Paul Bell and being recently retired I have taken up creative writing in order to keep the little grey cells functioning as long as possible.

My stories


The Note Book (Part2)

The coffee machine in Broomfield Police Station produced no aroma whatsoever, and on occasions, didn't produced any beverage either. Even when a...

The Note Book (Part 1)

Pete Docherty had nestled his small blue Citroen van very discreetly between two parked articulated trailers on a dead end road at the top end of the...

My Street

My street is a fine example of honest endeavour and working class aspiration, a place where people who once swung from lamp posts in patched trousers...

The Magic Carpet

Digby swung the van into one of Bethnal Green's less salubrious back streets and slowed to a crawl as he scanned each building. 'It's got to be on...

The 17.05 from King's Cross

I hate it when you're kept back behind the barrier and not allowed to board, even when the train is sitting there waiting for you. I stand there with...
