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I have 1131 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1765747 times and 1140 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1350 of my 14,451 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1383 votes

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celticman's picture
Jack O'Donnell


My stories


the things that we buy and don't know why?

The thought came like a First World War telegram – he assumed that she’d thought his family were marvellous. His mother was short and plump as a...

Forbidden Fruit.

‘Put your false teeth in,’ I said, ‘maybe then they’ll believe in you and believe in your prophecies more’. Old Joe had taken up a position between...

Blood is thicker than water

Rain splatters the pavement when I set out. My sister, Teresa, doesn’t live far, but then the moon isn’t that far, and I don’t particularly want to...

A song for Europe 2

Cry off negotiation Cut up small Snatch a breath Will she-won’t he? Luck of the draw Those who survive Those who died Word of mouth Mouth on mouth...

Plot without a story

The note flapped through the letterbox and lay on the linoleum. I pulled open the door, just in time to see a denimed back sauntering up the street...
