Science fiction

What is a Tower?

The bar at the end of the universe is a place where people of all kinds congregate, that was the case a few hundred lightyears back. Now, if anyone...

1:5:1 Quatarr (Part 4)

The other villagers watched in a mix of awe and confusion as they saw a very pale figure walk straight through their settlement and towards their...

1:5:1 Quatarr (Part 3)

A human stood ahead of three Quatarrians on their left while the other two Quatarrians were on their right. There was a noticeable difference in...

1:5:1 Quatarr (Part 2)

It was uncanny how similar it was for both of them. They both awoke in their relative sleeping area; they both went outside and they both looked up...

1:5:1 Quararr (Part 1)

Confusion. Their wrist burnt and they felt as though they had sunk significantly into the ground around them. Dazed, their whole body tingling, they...

1:4:10 Crait (Part 5)

There was a knock at the door. The first guard struggled as he tilted and turned the foldable bench through the doorway and out of the narrow...

Where is Everybody?

Well, where? Image created by me at

In This House III

In the darkness, she dreamt. She saw the village in which she lived. Elm trees, which lined the roadside of her culdesac, shed their leaves, floating...

1:4:10 Crait (Part 4)

Simplicity was almost exactly as she remembered. Although her time on the ship had been short, its layout and the events that occurred within were...

Planet Prison

“Death never scared me,” I say to an eagle. “Not until today.” It pays mind only to its decaying meal. “This was my favourite bench as a kid,” I add...