Certificate 12

Ages 12 and up

What is a Tower?

The bar at the end of the universe is a place where people of all kinds congregate, that was the case a few hundred lightyears back. Now, if anyone...

Steadfast Determination

I can't be doing with all these arts and farts. I've been single-minded since horse and carts. Shooting for the stars like a stream of darts. Leaving...

This Sort of Thing - The Childhood Stage

From a Smoggie to a Culchie, a ten year journey.

The truth gradually sets off

I'm not surprised I got there before her. Although we only called each other briefly, she sounded hesitant and confused during the conversation. I...

Jenny And The Magic Playground

Jenny And The Magic Playground By Paul McCann On her way home from school Jenny passed by an old house with a balloon on a string tied to the front...

Rejecting the Call

If you happened to find yourself walking down Jericho Street on the 9th of April in the afternoon, you would come across a truly saddening sight,...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

This Sort of Thing - April 2024 - The Sporophyte Stage

Eat your words but don't go hungry. Words can make you grow rotundly.

Jenny And The Dickybird

Jenny And The Dickybird By Paul McCann Jenny was returning home from her friend’s birthday party and saw a balloon tied to a letter box with her name...

The Angels Of Ardoyne

The Angels Of Ardoyne By Paul McCann The angels in around Ardoyne they gracefully fly Looking down at the streets from an overcast sky . They come...

The Great Escape With Gerry And Me

The Great Escape With Gerry And Me By Paul McCann I remember the day colour TV came . and Gerrys Aunt had one We thought it might be a good idea to...