
The Key to The Slices of Life. Part Two.

Daniel my son, lost his key in the house. We all looked for it, and couldn’t find it. Daniel works nights, and would need his key to get into the...

The Car Boot Today.

I had asked my manager if myself and Lucy could be off today so that we could go to a car boot together. So, he booked 18th of May off for both of us...

Twenty Five Years

A few days ago, my son Daniel asked me, “Can I buy a programme for £25 that I would like to watch on Saturday 18th on the telly, When I get paid, I...

Steadfast Determination

I can't be doing with all these arts and farts. I've been single-minded since horse and carts. Shooting for the stars like a stream of darts. Leaving...

How to write short form prose, 1: the ransom note

Dear Professor Storos We have your daughter, pay us £16,000 or else. “There’s the ransom note,” said “Hircliff, “Take this Dogboat and post it...

Thanks For Sharing The Music

Thanks For Sharing The Music By Paul McCann There are so many singers and so many songs and so many songwriters as well . There are so many composers...

To Be a Child Again

When did we lose the joy in insignificance? Things so microscopic Were once mind blowing An expansion of our inner universe and wider perception Same...

Invisible War

An invisible war I’m constantly fighting Incessantly And never ending A warped version of myself in my head The part of me that’s sick Has always...

Slices Of Life. Julie Foot. Part One

Many years ago, my manager, said to me, “Ring the local chiropodist, and ask him to come and cut everyone’s toe nails.” I rang him and he replied, “...