

One imagines that one can rise up above the earth and fly among the stars and planet rounds and rounds to further still, the milky way and way beyond...

Guilt washed away

One of those thieves crucified acknowledged his guilt and his shame. He’d even reviled, mocking Jesus, but repented, now honoured Christ’s name, and...


Will you choose a veggie meal, or will you choose the meat? Will you choose the savoury, or no, preferring sweet? Will you choose to drive, or will...

Rhubarb - Part 1 (Translation).

I have never grown rhubarb My Mum grew them. Some rhubarb, I think is too sour. Some rhubarb tastes mild. I LOVE RHUBARB WITH APPLES AND CUSTARD! Do...

Rhubarb - Part 1

Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb. Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb. Rhubarb rhubarb, rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb. Rhubarb rhubarb...

Look, who’s come!

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] See, we have received Messiah – never was there such a Friend. Moses and the prophets taught us of the One...

Scargill House.

When I was young, my god-mother often took me to Scargill House, in North Yorkshire. We went there about ten times, or more. For me, it was like a...

The Law of Physics.

I had never seen this before. I think those who saw it too, would have said the same. I was driving at the time, but all those who saw it, must have...


An exercise; taking a poem, this being Affirmation by Donald Hall, then keeping the basic form, and recasting it, then revising it further, to see how far it is from the original. I must get out more!


Many years ago, I worked with a girl who loved Revels. I loved them too, but she loved them more than I did. One day, when she opened a bag of them,...