
The Key to The Slices of Life. Part Two.

Daniel my son, lost his key in the house. We all looked for it, and couldn’t find it. Daniel works nights, and would need his key to get into the...

New Directions (21)

Entering the threshold I looked down at the hall mat with its yellow elephant pattern – the first thing I saw when I first visited Celia’s home...

The Mushroom.

This morning a friend took me to The Harvester for breakfast. I don’t go very often the last time I went to one, was last year for my birthday, my...

New Directions (20)

When I arrived home Karen’s car was in the drive. I squeezed mine in behind it. The dashboard clock said 17:17. The driver door opened and Karen...

The Rape of Britain.

Times have changed, compared to years ago. When a person emigrated to another country, they learnt the language, so that they can communicate and be...

New Directions (19)

A black phone on a cluttered desk started to ring in a friendly warbling tone. I reached out to pick up the handset and woke up relieved I wasn't...

Short Stories. Part Five.

Today outside my local Tesco, a man sat outside, and begged. He said to everyone as they and I walked past him, “Can I have 50p?” He said this as he...

Fifteen Years.

It came up on my mobile phone early this morning that there was a serious incident in London. I did pause for a moment to think what would make it a...

New Directions (18)

It was almost midnight when I arrived home. Chucking my clothes in a bloodstained heap near the toilet bowl I climbed into bed naked and dirty too...
Gold cherry

American Made

WARNING: This story contains foul language, scenes of a sexual nature, drug taking, violence, murder. In 300 words. American Made K has become a drug...