Fantasist - Dreamer

You see, being a fantasist can be a problem.

Unless you write.

In which case it can be a good thing.


It means you might not sleep too much.

You might fall out with people who used to like you – before you started going crazy.

You might have a little trouble holding down a job – although I still try.  I’ve held down jobs through worse.

And anyway, there’s always the outside chance you’ll get noticed and someone will start making some money out of you.

Now that could change things.

The best thing to do with fantasies generally – so it’s held – is to have them while you’re asleep.  Then you can enjoy your dreams and forget them as soon as you wake up. 

Get your head into the morning news or what the kids are doing at school or how many units of Chinese-made plastic photo-frames you can shift in the three months to Christmas.

I think they call that being normal - those people are usually sociable, too.

("those people"? - Hello Parson Thru, are we getting a bit above ourselves? Why the polarisation? Shades of grey, please, and even those are going to vary according to the light.)

Not that fantasists aren’t (sociable) – but they tend to seek out the company of others.  Two dreams make a reality.


Everybody dreams.

(That's better!)

But some of us hold on to them – when we can. 

Some of the greatest people who’ve lived were fantasists.  We love to read their books – immerse ourselves in their stories.  One step away from their dream. 


I sit in the quiet of the morning thinking about this and about trying to reach a place far away. 

I’ve made to the city. 

The last city way in the south of the country – somewhere in South America.

From here, it’s possible to reach the town I need, but the small village by a lake where she is living is almost unknown. 

There’s no bus and no one will take me there.  I am at the end of my tether, mentally and physically, and soon I must return home without seeing her. 

The taxi driver looks at me impassively.  I wave dollars in his face.  He shakes his head.  “No” is all he says.

We are almost there, you and I.

But now I must go to the kitchen and wash yesterday’s dishes before she wakes.




Obviously not! :-)

Parson Thru