

Giving in

It's just a numbers game (after all)

a motion to cahange the way we're told to live


Just when you think you can trust someone, they stab you in the back.

Q: Metaphorical

Trying to impress the world (i know it doesnt begin with Q!!)

B: Dimensions

My interpretation of 9-11


For Cody, a 3-year old heart disease victim

Death of Life

when someone dies

Life is Sweet

To Melanie, at four years old

To be in the NME

Evertything - A Manic Street Preacher rant about the music biz


The sacrifice of Jesus Christ

To God

God is

Fear Not

You are not alone

A Baby's Angel

Jesus loves the little children

Dance With Me

My longing to only dance with my husband

Bert,s Life

B is for Bert,s Life --------------- We all wonder at one time about fate and if our life is written for us.A friend of mine had a story that made me...

Miss Conception

Those we knew as kids have a habit of growing up...

Anonymously Suicidal

Living is suffering.

Love Ends

Forgetting Love.


Serial Killer on the loose.

Soul Destroyer

Torment Of A Murderer
