

MARIE: Maven of the seven steps near the Times Square Subway. Standing 5 foot 4. Shortened by her train dusted, wrinkly polyester moo-moo to an...



Sue-Baby. The Man in Moccasins

It was almost a blind date. My best friend invited him to the pizza place where I worked as a hostess. I was 17. He was 26. He was also a pilot,...

American Nightmare, The

We're already there, Just blink. Open your eyes. The warmth of our American Nuclear-paranoid reality, is glowing hot against our faces. Russia's on...

Plastic Meditation

The first time that I ever attended a meditation circle was in the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. It took me almost two hours to drive to...

Junky Love

I wish that there was a methadone clinic? for love. I am? addicted to you. I lie awake like a junky I coil and contract Withdrawn, by your absence I'...

E: A Mirage

We sunk Into the earthy moss Hand in hand, toes in toes. Still heavy breathing and pink faced And grins at reminises from our larder heist. Over-...

W: 8/14/03

Work Diary, 8/14/03 A preliminary joke: A man, whose level of drunkenness was bordering on the absurd, stood up to leave a bar and fell flat on his...

Going home

Going Home Home is the end of a tunnel, Steps, high street and front door, Waiting patiently from morning to night, Passing me in a flicker of...

Bertie in the Bath

On finding Bertie in the bath The spider gve a howl of wrath What was a schoolboy doing there With soapy hands and soggy hair? He pulled out Bertie...

Yes, today

Did you&;#063;

Today's confession

recently I'm constantly frustrated/restless, so this came out

Seassonally Adjusted Dad

A Scots son reminises about his father

Weeping Willows

Lost Baby/Love


I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE MY SON Sitting and thinking about the harm I have done Whilst trying so hard yet still failing my son His adult life still...

I Dare To Dream

Do I dare to dream? Are these really dreams, Or nightmares mistaken for dreams. Seen asleep or awake, Self inflected with pain, Meant to relieve what...


Something I wish i could speak my mother about, but don't think I'll ever have the guts to say it!

Bleeding on the inside

I'm really not a violent person, I've only Ever got in two fights. But sometimes I'm pushed over the edge, and my blood Boils like an erupting...

Just Won't Fade

For M.
