Carruthers' Demise

Martin Carruthers acts as agent for his wife Chelsey, a well known novelist. When her latest offering is rejected by the publisher, Carruthers troubles begin.

Set in Chiswick and The New Forest

Carruthers Demise, Chapters Thirty Four & Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty Four ‘I can’t understand it,’ Carruthers grumbled. ‘It’s not so long since I’ve had the damned thing serviced.’

Carruthers' Demise, Chapters Thirty & Thirty One

Chapter Thirty It was around ten a.m. when the estate agent called. Carruthers clutched the phone tensely to his ear. ‘Mr. Cousins?’

Carruthers' Demise, Chapters Twenty Six & Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Six It was around ten a.m. when the estate agent called. Carruthers clutched the phone tensely to his ear.

Carruthers' Demise, Chapters forty two & forty three

Chapter Forty Two Inspector Jack Manners was hitting the pedal as if his life depended on it – at any rate his career certainly did. He’d been slow,...

Carruthers' Demise, Final Chapters

Chapter Forty Four Casey Jennings stood before them, a serene smile transfixed to her face. ‘Sorry for the unannounced entry – I just hoped and...