Detective Bennett Donohoe and other stories

These amazing books have been based on the line of famous authors. So I've created a massive collection folder for all of my stories to go in.
I hope you enjoy the books I've written an please feel free to ask an questions, requests or improvements for my books.
Well I bet to stop blabbing on and you people get reading!


Hi enjoy these basic story's.

Children for Dinner part one of three

Will these two children save great misseleden from the terrible monster? Read to find out. Part one of two.

A taster of Bennett Donohoe

These opening sentences are the start of my most favorite fictional Detective :Detective Bennett Donohoe. Bennett Donohoe: Study in Blood...

Children for Dinner part two of three

After school James and Lucy met up and went to the old, dark, creaky, house where the Fingy monster lived. When they opened the door their was a loud "creak!"