Jaffa Cakes

A novel about two teenage girls, and their very different struggles with teenage life.

Jaffa Cakes: Chapter One

Another novel I am working on. Got a few on the go at the moment! :) This is about two very different teens and their struggles with life.

Jaffa Cakes: Chapter Two

Taylor 26th August

Jaffa Cakes: Chapter 3

Jade 27th August The news ran through me like an electric shock. "...pregnant?" I whispered. Mum looked horrified at my expression.

Jaffa Cakes: Chapter 4

Taylor 27th August 2011 I went to a party tonight, but most of it, I don't remember.

Jaffa Cakes: Chapter 5

Last night was a complete disaster. I wouldn't have gone if I knew what was going to happen.

Jaffa Cakes: Chapter Six

When I switched my mobile on this morning, it was buzzing wildly with missed calls and texts from Dylan, all of them asking why I wasn’t answering him.