Poems 2010

A mishmash of poems I've written this year.


A Brief History of Rebellion (1996-2003)

Aged 15: Get drunk and vomit. Experience first hangover. VICTORY and LOSS.

Advice to men who are balding

Try not to stare at other slap heads on the bus. They are not your mirror, they are your rivals. Baldness is not a sign of virility. Nor is it a sign of cancer.

It wasn't the ass.

It wasn't the ass; It was the smile. It wasn't the skin; It was the laugh. It wasn't the breasts; It was the words. It was all the things

Ode to the Daily Mail

Fanatical fecal folks find fault in 'feral' youth. Under unbelieving umbrage they utter untruths and Cast catastrophic consequences caused by Calais.

London in the Summer

If this city was like this all year round I'd never want to leave. If the long shadows stayed forever I'd stay until the end. If people were always this happy I'd smile at everyone.

Mama Didn't Raise No Fool

Dress to impress was the first rule I guess. Then next was safe-sex and that life is complex. The third, I preferred, 'don't be part of the herd'.

She Used To Know All The Things

She used to know all the things there are to know, I swear. And questions aired, or dared, to ask the answer she had there.

The Academy Award's Prayer

Our Godfather, Who art in Heaven’s Gate, Halloween frame by frame. The Lion King come, The Fly will be done. On Film as it is in Camera. Give us this day our Internet Movie Database