
As one should probably deduce from reading the collection name, this collection will consist of nothing but horoscopes. Okay, so it will consist of poems, the majority of which can be found in my book, "Seasons Come, People Grow," but they'll also include several I've written just recently. They cover a vast array of topics, from love to loss to politics to religion to addiction and beyond.

Mice of Man (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

Waiting quietly, In our dark hole, The light outside during the daytime, A guide for us to know where to go, When we walk out of the dark, We only put ourselves at risk,

A Chameleon (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

I blend in with my surroundings, Trying not to stand out, Paranoia sweeps over me, As I look around, My colors change, With every friend that I see, Not knowing what I want,

A Rat in a Cage (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

Begged and bribed, Pellets coming my way, Running about, doing tricks, Just a rat in a cage, Grabbed by the tail, Laid about on the scale, How much will I receive this time?

A Temporary Vegetative State

A sudden fear comes over me, A knot forms in my stomach, My eyes then close, As I know what’s coming, A head sensation unlike the rest, Fear being prevalent, Thoughts seemingly slow down,

Against All Odds

Laying in a hospital bed, Fighting to stay alive, Friends and family preparing for the worst, Odds against me to survive, My eyes close, Images then appear, A multitude of memories,


Different from all others, Stand out in a crowd, Unable to blend in, Not wanting to know how, All alone in this world, Isolated from the rest, Trust depleted,


Sheltered from this world, Protected from potential harm, Fearful of being released, Wanting to maintain its innocence, As it begins to mature, Innocence slowly fades,

Beauty Defined

The fine golden hair, White shiny teeth, Hourglass figure, The definition of beauty, With eyes as blue as the sky, Full, luscious lips, Strong legs like that of an athlete,

Better Than Sex

To look into your eyes, Feel your hand in mine, To see you laugh, See you smile, To hold you tightly, Hear you breathe, Rub your back, Watch you sleep, To buy you gifts, Take you out,

Blood Before Principle

Born into this world, A different kind of guy, An uphill struggle from the start, Not accepted by the majority, Not wanting to admit to this world, What makes me different,

Buzz Kill

I fly in the sky, Never wanting to come down, I feel the ultimate high, As I float up in the clouds

Choice Is Not An Option

The day on which I was born, The day on which I will die, The people whom raised me, The places where I reside, The schools where I was a student, The classes which I attended,

Deafening Sigh-lence

My ears are rattled, Pained by the volume, Plugs to prevent damage, The silence is deafening, Not a sound can be heard, Not a word nor a laugh, Left for me to interpret,

Puppets (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

Held by the strings, Never in place, Our head and arms dangling, At their mercy, Guided on the stage, Directed where to go, How to act, What to wear, With each repetition,

One Voice (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

A whisper in the distance, From a far off place, Unknown is the source, Unknown is the time and place, A voice in the distance, Unable to make it out, Only a few others notice,

Signed Off (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

Logged on, Into the fantasyworld, All whom I talk to, I may never know, Signed in, Ready to live a life away from my own, Wanting to forget about my life, Wanting to start over,

Oblivious to the Obvious

What I could normally see, I can see no more, Blind to what stares me in the face, My vision suddenly blurred, Others hand me aids, To help me see more clearly, Clouded in too much thought,

Long-Distance (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

I give you a call, Expecting nothing, The phone rings constantly, No one answering, Only time I hear your voice is on the machine, I contemplate leaving a message,

Memory Lane (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

A midnight ride, Into the darkness I go, Life passing before my eyes, No matter how fast or slow, Each entity I envision, Brings about numerous memories,

The Re-Awakening

Pushed into a dark hole, Unable to find my way out, Farther down the hole I fall, Not knowing when I'll stop, Numbness fills my body, Pain has overtaken me, Unable to walk, travel, work,

The Shield

I block out all those around me, I block out all from entering, The force being too deeply buried, The wall impenetrable, The lies cannot enter my realm, The love and hate shall not either,

The Show (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

Look at me now, As I walk down, All eyes are on me, The center of attention, My long, shiny hair, Entrancing eyes, My sexy curves and figure, Beauteous smile, Look at me,

Rain In My Eyes

When I awake in the morning, Whether the skies be clear or clouded, A smile comes across my face, As I hope to be a ray of sunshine to others, Helping an elderly woman with groceries,

The Seed (a poem from my book, Seasons Come, People Grow)

The seed of life, It shall never die, The seed of growth, To the heavens and skies, Firmly planted, Into the soft, moist soil, Strong and sturdy, All year round, It provides shade,

Slurred Vision

I reach for the bottle, Promising myself only one, For a sense of relaxation, After a long day’s work, Upon finishing the drink, I feel no change, No decrease in stress or worries,

Emotion Abbreviated

No tone in your voice, No words to be heard, No emotions to be felt, No gestures to be observed, Attention fleeting, Time condensed, Easily distracted, Seemingly entranced,


All so similar, Yet all so different, Innate characteristics, Held against us, Color of one's skin, Sexual preference, Gender, Geographic location, All components of the whole,

The Shadow

One foot in front of the other, Speed continually increasing, Reluctant to look back, Indifferent to pushing and shoving, With no definite destination, You continue to run,


Languages created through the years, Constructing lines to form letters, Sounds connected to each one, Scrambling them all up and calling them our own, Who came up with what?

The Land of the Plagiarites

Been there, Done that, Heard of it, Said it, What is there left to be said? What is there left to do? Every action and word enacted, Copied and pasted unto you,


Everything's very surface

The Objective is Subjective

The objective is subjective, The subjective not objective, Truth being relative, To each and every one of us, The world was once flat, Then discovered to be round, What was once lost,

INsecurity Level Orange

Together and happy, Waiting and watching, Head sinks down, Longing and wanting, When I walk through, The lights won't turn on, I've got nothing left inside, Nothing left to go on,



The (w)Hole

Emptiness I feel inside, A numbing sensation from head to toe, I thereby seek all around me, To find what can make me feel complete, secure and (w)hole, I can't find this through family,

The Touch of Love, The Touch of Hate

Your gentle touch, Warm embrace, Along my neck, my back, My arms, my face, Filled with warmth, My heart feels complete, Filled with love, Like you're a part of me,


Her eyes seemed so honest, Her voice sincere, Her compliments genuine, I’ve been fooled again, Her words without hesitation, Flirting constant, Smile glowing, Fooled once again,

When I See Your Face…

My eyes light up, A smile is instant, I bounce with excitement, When I see your face, In a crowded room, It’s all that I see, My pulse begins to quicken, When I see your face,

Inhaling Life

A hot shower on a cold winter day, Receiving a phone call from an old friend, A home-cooked meal at mom’s, A surprise visit from a girlfriend, A small gift on a random day,