Stories About Health and Well Being

Man With A Backpack

This story looks at positivre aging , independance , rights and the quality of life in older people .

Before And After

Before and after every situation there is a place where we measure life and love .

Bitter Or Better

Bitterness and resentment is like a cancer that can spread through the body .

Hang On - Enjoy The Ride

When old people find a new meaning to their lives it brings inspiration and happiness to everyone , everywhere .

Window Of Memories

An amazing thing occured when a victim of dementia returned to his home .

Not So Alone

When your get up and go has got up and gone it might be time to give it another go and try all over again .

Food For Thought

We are who we are and that often can be seen by what we eat and where we eat .

Prayers In Waiting Rooms

The story of a man who loves waiting rooms .

The Case of Miss Green

After her accident Miss Greens life changed . She had to adjust to a new set if rules that left her disabled .

The Retirement Plan

As man plans an unseen hand is also at work .

More Care For Our Nurses

The health care system needs to care more for our nurses .

The Silent Stream

The Silent Stream By Paul McCann . . Sadie met her husband , Sean , while they were both working at the...

Karaoke In Dementia Care

Karaoke In Dementia Care - By Paul McCann Music has a great part to play in dementia care and those who have the condition should be able to...

Herbert The Hermit - Part 1

Herbert The Hermit Part 1 By Paul McCann After graduating as a registered nurse in my chosen field of Mental Health I just moved into an upstairs...

Herbert The Hermit - Part 2

continued .. Herbert The Hermit Part 2 By Paul McCann ‘I fell in love once Bert . I still remember the night before the day I was married to her and...

Survivors Of The Big C

Survivors Of The Big C By Paul McCann Jo was not one for wasting words . She always spoke her mind and never cared what people thought of her . Most...

I Forgot To Come Home

I Forgot To Come Home By Paul McCann Morning came and sunlight streamed through the windows of the dementia unit at Falling Leaves Nursing Home ...

Is It Me Or You Who Is Nursing

Thelma chose her vocation early in life and became a nurse not long after leaving school . She had never though about doing anything else . She...

A Mother’s Leaving

It is hard to leave the family home that you’ve known and loved for so long , buy its even harder when a son or daughter has to make that call for...

Mrs Murphy And God

After her husband died Mrs Murphy lived alone in her little tow bedroom house in the suburbs . She never went out and had little contact with the...

T-Bar Tommy

T-Bar Tommy By Paul McCann T- Bar Tommy had driven trucks for most of his working life and even still as he approached retirement he was out there on...