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I have 95 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 50935 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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Adam Colclough

My stories

Farewell to a renaissance man in knuckle dusters

I heard about his death in the way I usually hear about such things, meaning that it jumped on me out of nowhere as I was doing something else. This...

This year make it your resolution not to make any resolutions.

We're three full days into the new year now, so how's the whole resolution thing going? Not well would be my guess; it seldom does. New Year's...


Solitary Waking to darkness, The bridge back from alone Youth used to cross easily Age has washed away Peace grudgingly kept, Between all you never...

Book Review Resorting to Murder

Resorting to Murder Edited by Martin Edwards (British Library, 2015) The oldest of the rules for reviewers is that you shouldn't judge a book by its...

Book Review- Pop Goes The Weasel

Pop Goes The Weasel M J Arlidge (Penguin, 2014) There's a killer stalking the back streets of Southampton, a latter day Jack the Ripper who preys on...
