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I have 90 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 326914 times and 90 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 1,523 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

maggyvaneijk's picture


My stories

Gold cherry
Poem of the week


I’m sliding backwards into memory like a skydive in reverse into the blue of my mother’s robes a mosque’s dome powdered sulfur the spray of light...
Gold cherry


Tell me that you haven’t felt like this for years way-out high on red wine. Tell me about 2005 and the cycle of time, how you never would have...
Gold cherry
Poem of the week

Things you’d only tell your mother in a foreign language

It’s ten o’clock on a Friday night. You’re pulling hard on my shoulder blades like you’re trying to open me up. Tiny bones of fear block my throat...
Gold cherry

Driving to Whitstable with my father

When people look into our car, they see me a hitchhiker of twenty-three passenger seat, hands on knees eyes fixed on a hole in my jeans. I am too...
Poem of the week

The wanting

The wanting is what I fear the most
 the wanting.
