Pat D

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I have 15 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 4863 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

Pat D's picture
Patrick Derwin

My stories


My Life Growing up inside the smoke Fighting lessons from a bloke School approved by HM Queen Many tears cried sight unseen The masters rule with stick and belt

The refugge

You view my form, with looks of caring We survivors make it, by daring. We mothers scavenge to feed our brood The soldiers take away the food

To Mary

To Mary My family that I thought was small Wasn’t really small at all For years we met twice a year


In the news today, they say, that another child had been taken away. Though parents make their worries known, no one knows the child is gone

The Journey

The Journey Seated in the king cross concourse watching people here of course waves come in and then they go hustle bustle to and fro
