Reid Laurence

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I have 122 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 89669 times and 10 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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Reid Laurence

My stories


A Killing Rain

It was cold outside, and rain was still falling. It rained for days and it seemed that it would never end. The city's storm sewers were filled to capacity and flood waters threatened to back up and overflow out into the streets, but still, relentless, the rain continued to fall. Like the sound of large pebbles falling on rooftops, it fell and meandered its way along its natural gravitational path, unhindered and flowing from rooftops to gutter systems to down spouts, and out into the streets, not with a fury or rage but with a constant unending urgency. An urgency that only the natural forces of nature could explain, but would not. Meteorologists could find no exact explanation, but only suspected that modern industrial pollutants were to blame and man, not nature, was the cause.


"I don’t know ‘bout you...," said Wild Bill - a nickname the other convicts had thought of which stuck and seemed to suit Bill Tyson’s rowdy nature.
