The Brad Pitt Index

Brad Pitt


Visibility is a trick of the light. Invisibility is a lack of publicity. As the economist John Kenneth Galbraith suggested in the Preface to  The Great Crash 1929: ‘No author can be fully trusted when describing the quality of his own work’. I am not allowed to say buy Lily Poole because it is a really good book, or a really bad book - negative reviews also increase sales - but no reviews means stasis. It means invisibility and equilibrium between sellers (me) and potential buyers (you). In the modern market I need cortical fibres or an intense traction labour control beam to become visible, to double or even treble the fifteen trillion of a second that Google, analogue television or old-fashioned paper media spend on me. Alternatively, I can go on Facebook or Twitter and tell everybody I know how great and wonderful I am. But I need  to have a unique selling point, to sell myself before I can sell my work, something that makes me as easy to find as a barcode.  

    For this purpose I’ve developed the Brad Pitt Index. If we take Brad Pitt as the visible 1, the possibility of me being noticed and being able to sell myself, and therefore Lily Poole must be greater than the probability of 0.001.

    Using  the Brad Pitt index is quite simple. Just favourite or retweet Lily Poole and/or share this link on Facebook and let me know and I’ll give you a measure of your invisibility.

Warning: Not very subliminal images.

Lily Poole. Lily Poole. Lily Poole.

Buy. Buy. Buy.


Nice selfie CM.



I'm going to re-tweet and FB the living f~<}1^g daylights out of this celt.


you are going to go viral!


Brad needs to trim his stray whites on the chin.


thanks guys, but can I just say this isn't a picture of me. I don't usually wear a hat like that.


So Brad Pitt wrote this when he had that secret trip to Glasgow? And how how do I fiddle about to get this onto Facebook? Well they say G-d loves a tryer and Lily Poole deserves success. Fingers crossed for you         Elsie

True story.... I was at Wimbledon Dog track watching my dog come 5th.  I was busting for a piss and went along to the urinals to relieve myself. I pushed in and stood next to someone I vaguely recognised. It was Brad Pitt. He was there with Vinnie Jones while they were filming Snatch. 



Bloody hell Jolono!

"So does the rabbit get f~<}€d Turkish?"

"Yeah Tommy, proper f~<}€d."


I love that film. There are so many east-end quotes. They make me laugh....


Well, Elsie to get it onto your Facebook page go to the top of the page and copy the blog link and paste it directly onto your page. thanks


Brad Pitt is a geezer Jolono. Hope you didn't piss on his shoes.


He's just a pup CM. I pissed all over him.  Bring it on...


that's exactly what I said to Brad.