
Trade Winds

I rest upon a dried river's bed And through my head flow memories of oak hulls Drifting over mystical crystals Of glittering rainbow blue. Holding...

Sea Crossing

A model sailing ship Cradled inside a plastic carrier bag (flying the flag of some convenience store) Sails briskly across a buoyant High Street...


What's the point of tyring

Unrepairable Remark

An impossible task confronts me, To piece together an unusual jigsaw: A mirror that is now smashed. Nobody knows where it broke Fragmented clues tell...

Great Hickory Dickory Dock Disaster (The)

A tock ticks, slips, and tumbles out of control Crashing through chains of trained thoughts Which jangle and fall like glass dominoes Onto cobwebbed...


You gained my trust, Then abused it again and again, Me, your whore, You, my pimp. You treated me like your bitch, Screwed with my head, Fucked me up...


spouses death

Cyber-Shore (The)

He mails e-mails by the c-shore And dreams of the time when he first met Shelby (their ships passed in cyberspace at the web dating agency), And...


As she looks from the window


Hollystones, a decrepit old farmhouse on a windy hill in Cumbria, had creaking floorboards. Jenny Sanger crept about her bedroom with painful care in...

Schools out

lil action thang i wrote ages ago in english


A Valentines compilation!

A murder at the manor

short story-murder mystery

If I had a fairy wand...

all I need is you...


Feeling pain and expressing Emotions


She has a photographic memory...

The Park

T is for The Park ---------------------------- Under the gentle glades The empties glisten Beer cans lager and cider Skol Kestrel and White Lightning...


to see a world in a grain of sand

Run run

Run run my little ones
