
On the Art of Wooing

Imaginary conversations between Prof. Birthleme PHD and his pet porcupine LillipawGullifoot.


Musk is time cajole breath ..if a poem is flowing


The places where I think I am touching

Without Within



the man I love but could never get

My cat's a communist!

On discovering my cat is a communist

She Leaves Tracks


A Zoo Season

The little films now are the most haunting insignificant routines taken for granted over the years through the seasons we blew hot and cold...

Spirit of you

When you lose someone close to you its hard to admit theyre gone,its even harder to avoid the darkness they leave behind in you

Art of the Star

The Anagram leaves your breathless

Praying Eagle

Diphthongs are funny as Dollars

Very Spiritual Person

The world needs more 'spiritual' people, you know.


'Cool' is an endangered species

Haiku the Rose

A rose is a rose is a rose. Gertrude Stein


He told me he was born on the day John F Kennedy became president and I know for sure he died on the day when the planes hit the towers of bedlam. He...

I Am A Lyric

This is bad. Wrong. The year has taken me away. From the man I used to be. I have lost myself. A millennium clich?. And nothing helps. Not even...

we love the city

loving London

B) When Pacino's Hot, I'm Hot (Part 2)

How I get my pipes cleaned more or less regularly and for free

A) When Pacino's Hot, I'm Hot (Part 1)

How I get my pipes cleaned more or less regularly and for free.
