Happy New Year

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Happy New Year

As the clock strikes midnight, I just want to wish everyone at abc tales a HAPPY NEW YEAR.


A very Happy New Year to you too Jenny!


Hope the New Year is good to you insert. Thank you so much for all your time helping to keep abc tales running smoothly, it's very much appreciated. Been such a pleasure reading and writing here, as I'm sure it's been for many.smiley




Indeed it was a wonderful New Year's eve and moving forward 2024 is a great year thus far. I began posting my work on ABCTales.com in 2000/2001 and have written 776 writings, all uploaded on ABCTales.com. I love ABCtales.com, the website is easy to post a writing on, the staff have been very helpful to answer my questions when I need assistance with the website.

I'm looking forward to a lovely evening at the ABCtales.com event on Saturday 18 May 2024 at 1900 - 2100hrs on Zoom for me. See everyone then.

`T.  Imaan Tretchicovmanicova

Glad to hear you're enjoying abc tales. I agree it's been such a pleasure writing on here and being a part of something special. Long may abc tales reign.

Hope you continue to enjoy.
