Recovery Songs - Pre Order

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Recovery Songs - Pre Order

Hi all.


My publisher, the wonderful, Valley Press are sending me a small advance box of my book, ‘Recovery Songs’ on August 10th, even though it is not officially released until the 17th October. I’m extremely proud to have been ‘picked up’ by a publisher who represent such outstanding authors. 


When you have a book accepted by a publisher, a proof is sent out to appropriate people to comment on and endorse. I’m so thrilled that the book has been universally well received. 


‘Recovery Songs’ reflects and meditates upon a chapter in my life that has been challenging to say the least, but now has passed. I hope that it may help others who may have suffered similar circumstances, or maybe going through them now.


If you would like a copy of the book, you can order it from me now on Pay Pal at:


The cost is £9.99 plus £1.50 postage in the UK and £3 postage anywhere else in the world.


You can also collect the book from me in person locally and pay by cash. I’m in Bradford these days. Perhaps we could even have a coffee. That would be nice.


If you want to wait instead, Recovery Songs will be available from selected book stores and all the usual online outlets from October 17th.


Here is a promotional film we made that features a poem from the book.


Thank you all for your support and kindness over the last couple of years. It has meant the world.

