I have always wondered....

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I have always wondered....

Why is it that everyone always thinks that his or her problems are the biggest when other people's problems are bigger? Why do people always compare themselves to other people when other people's lives are no better?  Why does the unmarried person always say that, unhappy as his married friend is, at least he has his own place to live while the married person often wishes that he were single?




the grass is ALWAYS greener...... dont know why though.


I think there are many factors to consider: The magnitude of the problem, their perspective and their ability to cope as well as their mental state.





Everyone doesn't think their problems are bigger per say, they just think they are more important, and in a way, they would be right. Their problems are more important to THEM than the problems of anyone else. A man's neighbor may have just lost his job and his family in the same week, but if the man himself just got a $500 speeding ticket that he can't pay, that problem is going to have a "bigger" impact on him than the neighbor's issues.


And about the comparing, I think that we all like to make ourselves believe the things we don't have are better than the things we do. The married guy always looks happy to the single guy, and the single life always appeals to the married man. But in reality, if the married man was single, he would miss what he had, and if the single man was married he would always miss aspects of being single. We are incapable of being 100% satisfied and happy with everything we have, we always have to want more, or want different.