Breaking chapters...

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Breaking chapters...

Hi all

I am writing a novel at the moment and I feel bored with chapters. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas for breaking the narrative without Chapter 1, 2, etc?

I've been breaking scenes with a --

but I want a bigger break and am out of ideas...



Why not just give each 'chapter' a title (my novel's written as a series of short stories, so there are no 'chapters'). If you're changing locations, dates, or viewpoint you could break sections accordingly: 'Scunthorpe', '1796', 'Jed', but it would obviously have to fit the story.

Or you could try labelling new scenes with pictures, photos, quadratic equations, whatever fits.

 Grab a bunch of books and see what authors you like have done.




I've read books which are just broken by number: one, two, three....OP's idea is really good