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I have 145 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
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Joseph Harvey

My stories

Small Christmas Openings

Opening a battered box of chocs from France Opening the door in the dark in a trance Opening a card before a gift to be polite Opening the curtains to let in the winter light

Sitting Room

Swirling wooden knots setting time Close to ripping like crepe paper outlines of boarded up tombs fastening kirby Grips held between teeth the coal Scuttle and poker sit beside her and

Rough and Tumble

You were bald, as long as I knew you, even in the military photographs of Lagos. Thick rimmed glasses and stay-press trousers.


I took a drive through the woods; an afterthought. And the trees... I mean the trees... It was so... Everything was gold. I kissed you by a subway streetlight; so unexpected.


Just down that alley-way everything changes. Across those paving stones a new word for 'shadow'
