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I have 34 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 59282 times and 11 of my stories have been cherry picked.

mitebkilled's picture

My stories

Self-illuminating god

Thoughts of you swim the oceans of my world - empty otherwise Twin satellites - moons of cheese hang like winter brisk in the velvet sheets of night...


The image fades Slowly and takes me willingly Along without cause I pause unsure An edge like the wind Cutting terror fear want To pieces I screamed...

Thoughts Like a Caterpillar

The sly voice inside my mind wonders if I'll die like a caterpillar yes I reply surely but my answer gets lost somewhere between the left and right...

Might I Wish

I might wish for Unimagined things to become Things imagined Simmering like sauce on the stove Fingering with extreme internal Eternal sadness A...

Regular Intervals to the Sun

There in the distance At sloping angles to the sky Jaggedly smooth Almost weightless Seemingly indestructible And unobserved if looked at straight-on...
