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I have 405 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 694370 times and 110 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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threeleafshamrock's picture
Chris Birrane

My stories

The Cottage (Poem)

Time, you thief! Have stolen on your endless march, the ‘now’ That from the hour-glass of my mind, was cast, into the Sea of careless youth; to nestle in the shifting sands.

London 1960

“We ask God to forgive us the sins we will commit in the future”. Every week we ask this, and then we come here next week and ask him to forgive last weeks’. This sinning is complicated.

Summer's Mourn

I have as much use for Winter as I have for an ashtray on my motorbike.

I am no more

If I should die; that love should live and not die with me.

Photo of an Old Refugee

While reading a newspaper article on Yugoslavian conflict, I noticed a photograph accompanying the piece. It was of an old man sitting on the back of a horse-drawn cart.
