CERASUS Magazine Issue # 1


CERASUS Magazine is now established as a regular quarterly publication.

Our first official edition is available to purchase on Amazon:

CERASUS Magazine: Issue 1: Amazon.co.uk: Wilks, John, Sapp, Ashley: 9798732563870: Books

or it can be downloaded as a PDF from our Ko-fi Shop:

Buy CERASUS Magazine a Coffee. ko-fi.com/cerasusmagazine - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get donations from fans, with a 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page. (ko-fi.com)

We are now open for submissions of poetry, prose and artwork for possible inclusion in Issue # 2, due for publication in July. Check out our guidelines on our new dedicated website:

Submissions – CERASUS Magazine

You can also find us on Twitter and Instagram, courtesy of our new Associate Editor: Ashley Sapp.

And don't forget that the 2021 Cerasus Poetry Olympic Biathlon is still taking place this summer, despite the protests. No Covid Passport required.

2021 Cerasus Poetry Olympic Biathlon – Cerasus Poetry