Pick of the day

The Speedy ( Part 1)

In 1969, two men were the first humans to walk on the moon. Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Eugene Aldrin, also known as Buzz. The story begins...


February 1970. Washington DC.

Lenny Watkins opened the door of Jack Shits pawnshop, walked up to the counter and handed over a small brown paper bag.

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Story of the week

The Speedy ( Part 1)

In 1969, two men were the first humans to walk on the moon. Their names were Neil Armstrong and Edwin Eugene Aldrin, also known as Buzz. The story begins...
February 1970. Washington DC.
Lenny Watkins opened the door of Jack Shits pawnshop, walked up to the counter and handed over a small brown paper bag.
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Poem of the week

Fathoms Above

Oh I do like to be beneath the seaside.

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Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

The sun has just come out from behind the grey clouds for the first time in what feels like months but is probably only a week, so that’s number one on my Reasons to be Cheerful list for today.

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Story and Poem of the Month

Our Story and Poem for the Month of January, very kindly chosen by marandina:



Well here we go again….another January gone….and another new year under way.

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Saltburn, by ABCTales Writer Drew Gummerson. Pre-Order your Copy!

Very big congratulations to Drew Gummerson whose new book Saltburn, has a publishing date and can be pre-ordered on the link below. Here's what Drew says:




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Want to join ABCTales?

We've had to suspend the automatic joining facility for a while so if you would like to join us please email 

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Posting From Your Android Phone - Fixed!

Some of you have been having issues with posting your work using an android phone. Ewan and John our techie have been working really hard to fix this.

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Bee's Journey

Picks of the Month

Here Be Dragons

He strolled nonchalantly onto the station platform trying to look as cool and well travelled as possible. Things had gone way better than expected, with just two thumbed lifts carrying him three quarters of his journey from Yorkshire down to Swanage, his destination in Dorset.

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An owl, a pussycat

Deep in the rich woods

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